Astrological Advice
3500 BC
Egyptians found and mined emeralds thousands of years ago.
The famous emerald mine in Columbia.
Is the world’s second largest supplier of emeralds after Columbia.
20 Times
Emeralds are 20 times rarer than diamonds.
USD 6.60 Million
Bulgari emerald brooch sold at Christie’s in 2011.

The most desirable colours are bluish green to green, with strong to vivid saturation and medium to medium- dark tone. Fine emeralds have pleasing meadow grass colour-the richest bluish green to green colour.

Almost all emeralds have some inclusions in them and these inclusions can be considered as a sign of natural origin. Absolutely clear emeralds are extremely rare and carry high price tag.

Columbia and Zambia are considered the best source of emeralds as these two courtiers had produced world’s finest emeralds in the past. Emeralds from Columbia, Zambia, and Panjsher region of Afghanistan fetch higher prices than emeralds from other sources. Emeralds are also mined in Brazil, Egypt, India, Australia, and United States.

Mostly all emeralds are oiled, and oiled emeralds are well-accepted in trade since ages. Emeralds treated with Joban, resins, linseed, which enhances the clarity of emeralds should be disclose in the certification.

Bluish-Green Colour
Unique pure vibrant bluish green to green colour with optimum saturation, emeralds occurs rare. Emerald’s bluish green colour is considered to be the standard amongst all green coloured gemstones.
The three-phased and two-phased inclusions in emeralds creates beautiful silk effect. It also helps to identify it’s origin.
Health benefits
Emerald stone benefits the wearer with good health, strengthen the immune system and encourages recovery. It represents the heart chakra, which heals the emotional well-being and the physical heart as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, the origin of an emerald significantly impacts its price. Colombian emeralds are often observed to fetch higher prices compared to those from other origins due to their superior quality and rarity.
Emeralds are brittle gemstones, so exposing them to extreme temperatures is not recommended, as it may cause cracks to form or worsen.
It is difficult to distinguish between a natural and synthetic emerald by appearance alone. To identify a natural emerald, a 10x lens or microscope is needed to observe its unique inclusion patterns.
Colombian emeralds typically feature three-phase inclusions with jagged outlines, consisting of brine, a gas bubble, and a salt crystal. In contrast, Zambian emeralds commonly display two-phase inclusions.
Inclusions are natural features formed within the gemstone during its creation process, and emeralds without inclusions are extremely rare. Cracks, on the other hand, are surface-level flaws that occur post-formation, often during the cutting or mining process.
Some historians estimate that emerald mining dates back to 3500 BC in ancient Egypt. While ancient Romans (circa 500 BC to 400 AD) are believed to have known of an emerald mine in the European Alps, Egypt remained the major source of emeralds until the sixteenth century.
Avoid exposing emeralds to extreme heat, chemicals, sanitizers, and perfumes, as these can damage the stone. Do not use steam or ultrasonic cleaners. Clean emerald jewelry using lukewarm soapy water for safe maintenance.