Astrological Advice
Ruby can command the highest price of all coloured stones.
Mogok mines in Myanmar (Burma) produces best rubies in the world.
Chinese Emperor
Kublai Khan had offered an entire city in exchange for a sizable ruby.
In the world of gemstones, ruby is considered king of all gemstones.
Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra

Finest ruby has a pure, vibrant red to slightly purplish red hue. Medium to medium dark tones are preferred as long as the tone is not dark enough.

A natural ruby shall always have inclusions; one should look out for natural inclusions. Ruby with fewer inclusions are always preferred and rare. Clearer rubies are highly valuable and their price fetch multi million rupees.

Myanmar(Burma) is considered the finest source of rubies in the world. Their unique colour and glow make them rare and valuable. India, Mozambique, Kenya and Madagascar are some other important sources.

Certification of a gemstone based on parameters set by the gem industry is of outmost importance due to the presence of fake gemstones in the market.

Its hardness on the Mohs scale stands at a striking 9/10, whereas the diamond stands at 10/10. Its resistance to scratches, makes it a good choice for everyday wear.
Symbolic meaning
Ruby has been considered a sign of romantic love for a long time. This king of gem also symbolizes passion, energy and success.
Astrological belief
Ancient priests and sorcerers honoured ruby above all gems, for this stone enabled them to interpret oracles and foretell the future. Ruby provide the one wearing it with mental strength and also bring in name and fame.
Frequently Asked Questions
Clean your rubies using warm, soapy water and a soft toothbrush for gentle cleaning.
Rubies range in color from pink to deep red, with the rare and highly valued pigeon-blood red being the most sought after.
Yes, absolutely! Rubies are highly durable, with a score of 9 on the Mohs Hardness Scale, making them perfect for everyday wear.
Rubies have historically represented passion, courage, and love. They are the traditional birthstone for July and the gemstone for 15th and 40th wedding anniversaries.
Wearing a ruby influences the Sun in one's astrological chart and is traditionally worn on the ring finger to gain the Sun's positive effects. It is believed to help avoid tax penalties, legal issues, heavy fines, and court cases. People with an exalted Sun in their chart or those with Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, or Pisces as their ascendant signs (lagna) are particularly recommended to wear a natural ruby.